Toxicity has dominated gaming for years.



We exist to change that.

“Toxicity has existed from the start of videogaming but quickly turned problematic when gaming went from being ‘living room split screen’ with family and friends, to online vs. gamers across the globe. It’s easy for anyone to forget that there’s a human beyond the screen; especially in the heat of the moment. We’re here to remind gamers that we’re still in the living room, and more importantly, with friends.”

- ProSCVRush


About Us

The Mission of Revive Games is to equip every gamer with tools that help them deal with toxicity effectively while raising awareness of the growing issue of normalizing abusive behavior [Toxicity] in online gaming. We believe that creating a healthy, fun and safe gaming environment takes an intentional effort from everyone in the community - not just game developers and esports organizations.



Founded by gamers who are tired of every match being layered with ruthless toxicity, our Vision is to revive an emotionally intelligent community of online gamers that proactively work to address industry-wide mental health challenges by introducing long-term awareness and support to our community.


Competitive Events

Raising awareness of toxicity’s impact is an essential part of Revive Games mission. How do we accomplish this?

We bring people together to compete in events that award sportsmanlike conduct and a passion to build a culture of togetherness with . . . big cash prizes.

A limited number of participants are chosen randomly from the pool of event entries. Sign up and enter to become one of them. Every time someone signs up, we get a little closer to our goal of making the digital world a better and safer place to game - which is a massive win for all of us.

Help us revive gaming. Sign up for one our our events today!


Get Involved

We gladly partner with people and organizations that want to help us further our mission and bring our vision to life. Whether it is volunteering with events, working with our research teams, sponsoring an event or being a contributor in our weekly detoxicity-talks on Discord, we would love to hear from you.

Take a look at our organization’s programs and plug in!


Join Our Community

Join our community of gamers and industry professionals and help us better understand how to battle toxicity and stay connected with what we are doing.


Contact Us